I had been on numerous sites that sang the praises about this product and wanted to try it for quite some time. I was a little leery about ordering off the Internet and had read many a blog and website of people complaining about their orders taking forever to arrive, so I never did order this product online. I happened to be in a grocery store (Whole Foods) and was looking at the hair and beauty products that they had and noticed the product on the shelf. I was shocked to see it there and promptly snatched one up to the tune of $25 dollars. For me that's a lot of money to spend on one hair product. I didn't try the product out right away because I had been sporting my collection of wigs. I finally decided one day to try the product out, so I washed and conditioned my hair and applied it to my hair. Now on account that my hair is fairly coarse and doesn't have a curl pattern, I was pretty much sure it wouldn't curl my type of hair. I was right. This product left my hair hard and extra dry by the next day. My hair seemed like it wanted to fall out from it being so dry. I don't know if I applied too much of the product, which has the consistency of slimy gel. My hair only waved up some, but no curl whatsoever. I believe my hair type is 4a,4b & some 3c. I would not buy this product ever again. My daughter, who has a curl pattern to her hair, loves this product and it works beautifully for her. She can't say enough good things about this product. Well to each head, it's own. I would say that you have to have at least 3c hair for this product to work and produce a curl pattern to your hair. Also if you have baby fine 4a-c hair, it might also work. My hair is very thick and coarse and it doesn't work well for my hair. I recently twisted my hair using a fair amount of regular gel (Fantasia IC) with good moisturization, and noticed much more of a curl pattern to my hair than when I used the Kinky Curly. I would recommend if your hair is less than a 3c curl/wave pattern, that you use a lot of moisturizer with this product due to the dryness it produces on a more kinky wave pattern of hair. Please check one of my Youtube videos below. Please watch, comment, rate & subscribe!
Just read your first experience with using the Curling Custard
Let me try to help you get some better results:
Your hair first must be thoroughly cleansed of all oils, butters, waxes and silicones. The Come Clean will help to remove mild buildup and if you have heavy product buildup then we suggest adding a bit of baking soda to the shampoo.
Next we suggest for hair that is coarse and thick to use the Knot Today to prep the hair and to give some additional weight and smooth and detangle the strands
Then finally when you apply the Curling Custard the general rule of thumb is the thicker and coarser your hair then the smaller each section and the wetter you hair should be for best results. The product works best when it is applied to soaking wet hair and in small to medium sections
If a section starts to dry then you should re-wet it with water from a spray bottle before applying Curling Custard to that section.
Basically the product will capture what your hair looks like when it is wet.
I hope you decide to give our products another try and get better results the second time around
There is a certain way you are to use the Kinky-Curly Curling Custard. You hair must be pretty wet and your hair type would benefit from using the Knot Today Leave-in Pre-Curl Conditioner first. Have a spray bottle on hand a take about a half dollar amount of the KC Curling Custard and rub it in your palms first(this prevents and lessens the white globs that end up in the hair.) Apply it section by section from root to end on wet hair. Re-wet hair with spray bottle if necessary. You will end up with defined shiny coils. Refresh your hair style the following day with pure water or the CURLS Quenched Curls Moisturizer.
Visit my site growblackhair.net for more hair care tips.
Get back to blogging girl!!!!!
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