Thursday, July 26, 2007


I hope this blog will address some questions about wearing our hair in its natural state. I don't have anything against anyone who wishes to either straighten their hair with a hot comb or with chemicals, after all I did it for many years. I decided I didn't like the look anymore and it was too much to do for so little results. I wanted to go natural for some time and am sorry I didn't a long time ago. Our hair is the most versatile hair on the earth. My choice to go natural, meaning I do not chemically alter or use any type of heat whatsoever on my hair, was so easy for me. After years of chemical & heat damage to my hair, enough was enough. I also looked at some natural hair websites and got a lot of ideas from the beautiful women on these sites. Their hair looked awesome and gave me the push I needed to go natural. I am also interested in skin care as well, because both things, in my opinion, beautiful hair and beautiful skin, go hand in hand. I will be posting pictures of my hair and other "nice heads" as well on this blog in the near future. I will also put up some skin care secrets I have used for many years. So enjoy this blog and leave comments if you like. No need to post hostile or negative comments because this is a positive blog! E-Mails can be sent to:!

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